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Word on Wellbeing

Actress Robyn Malcolm shares her insights on Covid-19 and beyond......

Wellbeing Workshop gets up close and personal with some of New Zealand's favourite Business Leaders, Entrepreneurs, Sports People and Celebrities.

Robyn has been voted 'Favourite New Zealand Female Personality' as well as 'New Zealand's sexiest woman'. She has captivated our attention on TV shows; Shortland Street and Outrageous Fortune as well as acting in numerous films.

Last year Robyn was appointed a Member of the New Zealand Order of Merit for services to television and theatre. Robyn kindly shares her experience of lockdown in this candid interview.

What have you learnt from Covid-19?

1. I can move more slowly through the world and the sky doesn’t fall down.

2. I am much happier in my own company for extended periods of time than I thought I would be.

3. I could fill a day easily with not much to do.

4. That when we slow down the planet loves us.

5. That my kids are brilliant company 24/7

What is the biggest challenge you have had to face because of Covid-19 and how are you going to overcome it?

No work, no income. I have no idea. I’m waiting for my industry to kick start again, in the mean-time I am keeping my head in the sand and crossing my fingers and trying not to panic.

Are you going to implement any personal changes because of Covid-19?

Im going to remind myself daily that each day is not something to get through, but to love, moment by moment, and that being in the company of people is not to be taken for granted! We could lose that again in a heart beat! Having a laugh with strangers is important. We’re in this together, life I mean, Covid or not.

As one of New Zealand’s most loved actors, what is your advice to avoid burnout?

Stop, breathe, look, listen, keep breathing. It’s all good. Read Dr Seuss “Oh The Places You’ll Go” NOTHING is worth the stress. NOTHING.

Do you think businesses will develop new levels of empathy and a greater willingness to talk about mental healthcare because of the pandemic?

I’ve no idea. I hope so. Sometimes stress and panic brings out our baser selves, and what we would hope for humanity from such a crisis, gives way to something lesser. I really hope so though. We are all vulnerable. We just mask it differently. Again - we’re all in this together. And mental health is something as key, if not more key than physical health. We all go for runs, go to the gym, do pilates, yoga, obsess about diets, the kinds of desks we work at etc etc etc, but do we put that much energy into our mental health and fitness?

What tools (if any) do you have in place to encourage ‘positive wellbeing behaviours’ in your workplace?

Build connection with people. Human by human. Ask questions, avoid judgement, ban the phrase “you should”, find the joke always, ask more questions. Say” thank you, thanks so much, I really appreciate what you did there”… Old fashioned kindness, courtesy and thinking the best of people goes a long way. Empathy is just “ I wonder what your shoes feel like right now” Engage with that. If you’re annoyed employ the penguins advice in Madagascar “ Smile and wave boys, just smile and wave”. Again, we’re all in this together: Covid or not.

What are you currently curious about?

Humanity. American politics. Ageing.

If you were going to invest in your future best self, where would you put your time and energy?

My physical fitness. Finding a way through menopause without ripping my own head off.

Wellbeing Workshop is dedicated to creating mentally healthier and happier workplaces with face to face and online programs and workshops that enhance employee wellbeing and business performance. Chat to us today about how we can help your people thrive.


Wellbeing Workshop - Workplace Health & Wellness Solutions Health & Wellness Solutions. Auckland, NZ 

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